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Việt Nam đang trở thành "Cổ máy" sản xuất cạnh tranh với Trung Quốc

For decades, China has been the global manufacturing leader and is known as the “factory of the world”. The country’s manufacturing industry is at the forefront of efficiency and production quality. However, over the past decade, Vietnam has emerged as a competitor in this field. South Korea’s Samsung Group currently has large factories in both...

Việt Nam có thể là trung tâm sản xuất và xuất khẩu của Canada

According to a VNA correspondent in Canada, in its strategy to seek markets outside the US, Canada has chosen agricultural products and processed foods to expand exports to the Indo-Pacific region, while promoting production and trade activities in this region. The above strategy is currently being focused on by the Export Development Agency of Canada...

Việt Nam vừa "hồi sinh" lĩnh vực trị giá hơn 227 tỷ USD: Thế giới đang phát triển như vũ bão

Vietnam has decided to restart its nuclear power program after an eight-year hiatus since 2016. On November 30, 2024, the National Assembly issued a Resolution on the development of nuclear power to meet electricity demand and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, aiming to achieve Net Zero by 2050. The Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VINATOM) has set...

Bộ nhấn mạnh phát triển nguồn nhân lực cho chương trình điện hạt nhân

Hanoi (VNA) – Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Hong Dien chaired a conference on January 2 regarding the development of science and technology human resources in service of Vietnam’s nuclear power programme. In his opening remarks, the minister highlighted the local potential for nuclear power development, noting that fifteen years ago, surveys identified 13-14...

Truyền thông Trung Quốc ca ngợi những thành tựu kinh tế và triển vọng của Việt Nam

Chinese media outlets, including The Paper, CRI, Sohu, Sina, the Guangdong E-Commerce Association’s website, and BWC, have recently highlighted Vietnam’s significant economic achievements in 2024 and its promising outlook for 2025. Reports indicate that Vietnam’s GDP grew by 6.42% in the first half of 2024, with projections suggesting it will surpass 6.8% for the entire...

Việt Nam nổi lên như một nhân tố chiến lược trong nền kinh tế toàn cầu

The newswire outlined that this delicate act has allowed Vietnam to safeguard its economic interests, while promoting growth opportunities in key industries, especially technology. A notable milestone is NVIDIA’s recent acquisition of VinBrain, featuring Vietnam’s burgeoning tech sector and its pivotal role in global innovation. This acquisition not only underscores the potential of Vietnamese tech...

Lộ diện mặt hàng đầu tiên của Việt Nam đạt kim ngạch trên 100 tỷ USD trong năm 2024

According to the General Statistics Office, in November, the total preliminary import and export turnover of goods reached 66.4 billion USD, down 4.1% compared to the previous month and up 9.0% compared to the same period last year. In the first 11 months of 2024, the total preliminary import and export turnover of goods reached...

Việt Nam đứng TOP 23 nền kinh tế xuất khẩu lớn nhất thế giới

According to the World Trade Organization (WTO), total global export turnover in 2023 reached 23.8 trillion USD, down 5% compared to the previous year. About 20 out of the world’s top 30 exporting countries recorded a decrease in export value. The number of global trade restrictions has increased nearly 5 times since 2015, reaching nearly...

NVIDIA đã ký thỏa thuận chuyển chuỗi sản xuất từ các nước khác sang Việt Nam, cam kết đầu tư 4-4,5 tỷ USD trong 4 năm tới

On the morning of December 14, the first meeting of the National Steering Committee on Semiconductor Industry Development took place. At the meeting, Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung said that, in the trend of diversifying supply chains and complicated geopolitical developments in the world, Vietnam is emerging as an attractive destination for...

Việt Nam sẽ đạt kim ngạch xuất nhập khẩu kỷ lục trên 780 tỷ USD

Import-export turnover in 2024 is expected to reach 782 billion USD, the highest level ever, according to the General Department of Customs. According to the General Department of Customs, Vietnam’s import-export value as of December 14 reached nearly 745.4 billion USD. Of which, exports were 384.4 billion USD, while imports were nearly 361 billion USD....

Sau NVIDIA, các 'ông lớn' Google, Meta cũng muốn chuyển dịch chuỗi cung ứng sang Việt Nam

NVIDIA has committed to investing 4 – 4.5 billion USD in the next 4 years, creating about 4,000 direct jobs and 40,000 – 50,000 indirect jobs. According to Minister Nguyen Chi Dung, in the context of countries promoting supply chain diversification and complex geopolitical fluctuations in the world, Vietnam is emerging as an attractive destination...

Sắp khởi công siêu cảng 6 tỷ USD tại vị trí 'kim cương', Việt Nam viết lại vị thế trên bản đồ thương mại hàng hải toàn cầu

According to VNDirect Research, MSC – the world’s second largest container shipping line, headquartered in Switzerland, is planning to invest in the Can Gio international transit port project. This project is proposed by Saigon Port Corporation (SGP) and TIL – a subsidiary of MSC. Previously, MSC shared the Tanjung Pelepas transit port in Malaysia with...

Việt Nam đẩy mạnh kho báu lớn gấp 8 lần Trung Quốc, 290 lần Mỹ, tỉnh nắm giữ lớn nhất khai thác 1.000 năm cũng chưa hết 'mỏ vàng' này với công suất hiện tại

The U.S. Geological Survey states that bauxite deposits are mainly found in tropical regions, the Mediterranean, and the equatorial belt. Countries with significant bauxite deposits include Australia, Central and South America (Jamaica, Brazil, Suriname, Venezuela, Guyana), Africa (Guinea), Asia (India, China, Vietnam), and Europe (Greece, Russia). Bauxite is a type of aluminum ore. From bauxite,...

Giới thiệu về các ngành công nghiệp xuất nhập khẩu hàng đầu của Việt Nam

With its rising costs, China is no longer the go-to destination for many businesses, and Vietnam has arisen as a serious competitor. Recent trends show that the number of orders shifting from China to Vietnam has seen a significant increase. In the past few years, a growing number of businesses have relocated their operations from...
